Thursday, September 9, 2010

One of our street children trafficked & returned!

One of the orphan street girls to whom Every Child Ministries ministers was trafficked last month. A sweet-talking woman at the market began to sympathize with her about her hard life and offer her a way out, a good job...the same sorry lies that have snared so many other children. Like most children who are trafficked, she didn't have to be forced or abducted. Seduced by sugary lies, she went willingly with the woman. Deceit is one of the main recruiting methods of traffickers.

The really great thing is that our street workers are on the job regularly and really know the people of the street. They heard about the girl's disappearance, asked questions, followed leads, kept searching. They knew her health and safety and maybe her life were at stake. After two weeks, they found her and were able to rescue her from the "madame" who was using her as a slave. She was hidden and has now been taken to safety.

Great work, ECM street workers! Because of your diligence, one more girl is safe and free.

Lord, we've been praying about adding more "eyes and ears" in key trafficking areas. Would You provide soon so that we can increase our street staff?

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