Saturday, December 6, 2008

Occult Roots of Modern-Day Slavery

I just finished reading "Restoring Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse" by Patricia Baird Clark. She deals with modern-day survivors of ritual abuse in the United States, but many of the themes and the methods are exactly the same as what I see in the idol shrines of West Africa. Clark talks a lot about "the chosen child" who is a living sacrifice to Satan (exactly the terminology I've chosen to describe what I see in the trokosi-voodoosi system). The chosen child is subjected to many rituals, sometimes even before birth, to impart as many demonic powers as possible. She is then kept isolated and dehumanized in every way possible (same as in the trokosi system). People use her to obtain her demonic powers for their own ends, and these powers are accessed through rape. (Same, same, same.) Lord, guide your church into helping these poor victims both here and around the world, wherever these ugly systems manifest themselves. I pray that victims will begin to seek help and that you will raise up an army of Christians who are equipped and unafraid to help them get free. Thank you, Jesus! Amen.